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Thursday, March 18, 2010

One Door Closes….


And another opens.


I never really believed this, but it seems to be happening.


I just hope that its not another false lead


To all my friends, I’m sorry I didn’t listen nor see reason sooner than now.

blogged @ 6:17 PM

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

In preparation for National Day, I want to share a song with everyone. This is a song from the MrBrown Show from last years’ national day


The Trains they come and go
Filled with faces I don’t know
sometime they don’t stop for me
I live near Woodleigh MRT

The City’s changing everyday
Saw a new gantry on the way
That is why I sold my car
Why the bus stop so damn far

You took so much from me
Got no cash to take taxi

But I’m still
In love with you
But I’m still
In love with you

And when I grow old
And don’t do what I’m told
I will still
Be in love with you

I can’t afford a holiday
everything has gone up but my pay
Can’t go out with all my friends
Can’t afford the latest fashion pants

You promised me paradise
overflowing with abundant rice
I used to go for lunch buffets
Now my breakfast’s half a Yew Char Kuey

You took so much from me
Got no cash to go High Tea

But I’m still
In love with you
But I’m still
In love with you

And when I grow old
Promise me you won’t turn cold
Coz I’d still
Be in love with you

Took so much from me
got no cash
but I’m happy

I am still
In love with you

I am still
In love with you

And when I grow old
And don’t don’t do what I’m told

I will still
Be in love with you…


the mrbrown show: love song for singapore - mrbrown aka Kin Mun LEE

blogged @ 1:57 AM

Sunday, May 10, 2009

From readers digest


Studies show that people fear public speaking more than they fear death.

Which means, that if you were at a funeral, you would rather be in the casket than doing the eulogy.

blogged @ 4:34 PM

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Have some new additions to the blog as well as a slight modifications to some stuff.


My original intention was to change the background song every week. I shall attempt to do that haha!!

Emphasis on attempt


Hope you all like Domo-Kun and the new song.

blogged @ 11:13 PM

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Something I came across while trawling the web when I’m supposed to be studying.


When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.
Then they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.
Then they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews,
I did not speak out;
I was not a Jew.
When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out for me.
-Pastor Martin Niemöller


If you all didn’t already know, this is somewhat in response to the coup that occurred at AWARE recently. To sum it up, AWARE (a women’s awareness group) recently had their AGM and apparently all their Old Guard got ousted by a big bunch of new members. Many are speculating that these new members are part of a religious group. Apparently many of the new members and the committee members are people who have been very vocal about their views towards certain issues.

I will blog on this a bit more when I have time, and also I want to wait for further developments. If you guys are interested a good place to start would be coz I think he has the whole article.

This is very worrying

blogged @ 9:53 PM

Monday, March 30, 2009

A rainy day
Is passing slowly
The skies are dark
With clouds of grey

And in my mind
I’m counting teardrops
And yet I feel I’ve gone astray

A rainy day
Won’t last forever
So if you see
No hope in sight

Just lift your head
And watch the raindrops
Make all the colours clean and bright

A rainy day
Got in the way
But it’s not here to stay

and when the sunlight’s out again
Beyond the clouds will be a rainbow
Glowing then and there

Beyond the clouds will be a rainbow
Glowing then and there

Beyond the clouds will be a rainbow
Glowing there


Just thought that this is a very meaningful song to share during this exam period

blogged @ 9:58 PM

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I had and still have many nasty comments. And I think yes, I’m feeling jealous. It’s human isn’t it?


I have decided, though, that for just this once, I’ll keep some of the mean things that I want to say to myself.


One thing that I will say though. If you think long and hard, you will realise why I’m angry. If you can’t figure out why, or manage to rationalise your way out of it, then oh well, nothing I do or say will change your mind right?


I think that I will not do what has been done unto me. Love thy neighbour, I’ll try to do that. Hopefully He will help me to do the best I can.

blogged @ 12:05 AM


Name: Gerald Poh Jixian
Birthday: 5th March 1986
Things about me: Currently in NTU SBS, 23 already haha!!, Happy( definitely not sob sob )
Things im involved with: NTU Choir


Flavour of the Week

If My Lover Was An Alien - Mojacko



The smart one
Vampire girl


Image: x
Brushes: Deviantart
Base Code : purpurblack-

Please leave the credits alone, thanks